I wrote a guide to R and RMarkdown intended to be accessible to people with limited (or no) background in programming. This guide is available here.


PSCI 576: Graduate Research Seminar

Designed as a forum for upper-level doctoral students who have completed formal coursework to present ongoing research. Students regularly present research either stemming from their dissertations or from ancillary projects.


INTR/PSCI 245: The Politics of Science and Expertise

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of scientific expertise in crafting policy, and policymakers depend on expert advice in many other arenas, including climate policy, regulation, and economic policy. However, recent polling demonstrates a deterioration and polarization of public trust in scientific experts. This course examines the politics of science and expertise. It covers theories and evidence about topics such as the motivations of experts, the roles of scientific communities, interactions between experts and policymakers, and public views of experts’ credibility. Students will engage with both relevant social science research and with case studies of policy-relevant scientific work to draw connections to the theories considered in class.

INTR/PSCI 389: Senior Honors Seminar

Through reading and critiquing political science research in American politics, comparative politics, and international relations, students learn how to select a research question, formulate testable hypotheses, find and evaluate relevant literature, locate or collect data that addresses their research question, analyze the data, and write a research report. Instructor permission required.